

About us - Powers and Function

Powers and Functions

  1. To plan, design and establish public sewerage systems.
  2. To appoint a management agency to manage, operate and maintain any public sewerage system or to provide sewerage services.
  3. To supervise, monitor and provide direction for the performance and activities of any management agency.
  4. To issue guidelines for design standards and specifications of septic tanks, private and public sewerage systems.
  5. To regulate the process for treatment and disposal of sewage and sewage sludge and its by-products.
  6. To fix fees and other charges for sewerage services provided by a management agency and the payment or recovery of such fees or charges.
  7. To exercise powers and to perform such functions and duties conferred by the Ordinance or as the Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri may from time to time, by Order in Gazette.