Frequently Asked Questions


FAQ - Frequently Asked Question

1. What is blackwater?

Blackwater is wastewater containing fecal matter and urine.

2. What is greywater?

Greywater is wastewater generated from our kitchens, bathrooms and wash areas.

3. What is sewage?

Sewage is liquid waste carried off in a sewer or drains.

4. What is sewer?

Sewer is a pipe or conduit for carrying sewage and other liquid wastes.

5. What is a private sewer?

Private sewer is a sewer located within the house boundary area.

6. What is a public sewer?

Public sewer is a sewer located outside the house boundary area and maintained by Government.

7. What is a combined sewer?

Combined sewer is a sewer that carrying both storm water and wastewater together.

8. What is a separate sewer?

Separate sewer is a sewer which is restricted to sewage only. Storm water and surfaces water are not admitted.

9. How frequent should I desludge my septic tank?

Based on the Local Authorities (Compulsory Desludging of Septic Tanks) By-Law, 1998 septic tank shall be desludged as follows:




Once in 4 years


Once in 2 years

Government Buildings, Schools, Premises used for Religious Purposes

Once a year

Hostels, Lodging Houses and Industrial Properties

Once in 6 months

10. Why do I have to desludge my septic tank?

To maintain the treatment efficiency of your septic tank.

11. What is septic sludge treatment plant?

Septic sludge treatment plant is a facility that treats sludge collected from septic tanks.

12. What is a private sewage treatment plant?

Private sewage treatment plant is a plant that is privately owned and operated by owner of the properties.

13. What is a public sewage treatment plant?

Public sewage treatment plant is a plant that is maintained and operated by Government.

14. What are the by-products of septic sludge treatment plant?

The by-products are liquid (Standard A effluent) and solid (sludge cake).

15. For further question, please contact our webmaster as per below detail.

If you have other queries, contact our webmaster through email address provided at Contact Us.